Please take the time to read through all of Anime Amino’s guidelines to avoid getting a warning, strike, or banned. These guidelines are crucial and will help users navigate through this Amino. It is a lot to read, but it will be very beneficial. The mod team will act on the assumption that users have read and understood these guidelines.Leaders only get the flags for Spam, Off-Topic, and sometimes Bullying. The rest go to Team Amino(TA). If a user wants a leader to see a flag, use the Off-Topic tag.The mod team does not accept screenshots. Please flag evidence!Screen recordings are acceptable as evidence as long as they follow our rules.Screen Recordings PSAUsers can find Anime Amino’s (AA’s) Mod Team HERE.
⠀Table of Contents
Tapping on each title will take you to that specific section immediately.
(And the arrows at the end of each section will take you back here.)
Please help keep this community special by only posting content that’s relevant to the community. In addition to the guidelines below, users are also subject to Amino’s Terms of Service. Repeatedly violating these Community Guidelines will result in account termination.Accounts will be banned once they’ve received 3 strikes from a leader. Leader strikes and TA strikes do not compound. Users may not receive a warning before a strike or a ban. (See Mod Actions at the bottom.)Please keep in mind that messaging every user after disabling their content isn’t something that the mod team does simply due to the fact that it’s time-consuming, especially when we disable around 20+ posts a day and sometimes more.All guidelines apply regardless if a user has paid for an Amino+ subscription or not. Neither TA nor AA’s Mod Team will refund this subscription if a user is banned.For a more in-depth look at AA’s policies, please check out our PSA Account.Excessive swearing targeting a user is not allowed.
› Unacceptable: “fuck you you fucking bitch, fucking asshole, you fucking moron, fucking asshole fucking bitch”
› Unacceptable: “Actually stfu I was not even talking to you pussy ass butthurt amino neckbeard ugly ass obese man” - a real example from a userDiscussion and images relating to drugs are not allowed.
› Talk about alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis are acceptable as long as they’re not being promoted. We recommend users do this in private.
› Having images relating to drugs such as cannabis or nicotine is fine. Images of cocaine, or meth etc are not allowed.Discussing the topic of depression, hurting oneself, or hurting others is not allowed. Promoting the idea of threatening to commit an act of harm is not allowed.Users do not need leaders' permission to promote their community/public chat.
› AA’s Mod Team only permits one blog per Amino
community/public chat. Users may promote more than one community/public chat. However, they should be of a different community/public chat.
› Users are not to promote in chats or comments. Doing so results in a warning.Users will receive a mod action if they post gifs or videos anywhere on Amino that can easily cause a seizure or an epileptic event.Any group of people, be it a clan, group, or any other classification, caught causing a disturbance and breaking guidelines on multiple occasions will be disbanded.
› Even if only a few belonging to the clan or group are caught doing the act, every member will be held accountable regardless of whether they were directly involved with the situation or not.
› Users should be cautious when joining a group or a clan and not stand idly by letting the group break the guidelines.The Mod Team will revoke titles given to groups or individuals for their AA contributions without notice if their account does not publish relevant blogs for 2 consecutive months or more.Users will be banned if they are under the age of 13.
⠀⠀Harassment, Bullying, and Hate
Racially inappropriate or hateful posts or comments.
› The Mod Team won’t tolerate derogatory, pejorative, or disparaging terms referring to someone’s mental or physical ability, gender, sexuality, or race.Users who attack or make fun of people based on physical appearance, weight, race, colour, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.
› Discriminating against others, in general, goes against the community guidelines.Some of the terms that are not allowed, especially if they are directed towards a specific person or group:
› N-word of any abbreviation or spelling, any other racial slurs
› F- slur (F*ggot) of any abbreviation or spelling
› Retard of any abbreviation or spelling
› Any term or pejorative the mod team deems derogatory. Just because a term isn’t listed doesn’t mean users get to say it, even about themselves.Slurs PSAHarassing, threatening, impersonating, or intimidating other users.
› These may warrant strikes or even a ban. The mod team will investigate reports of impersonation to find the original user and get confirmation of their account.
› Impersonating a curator, leader and Team Amino will lead to a ban.
› Using a member of the mod team’s name in an attempt to intimidate other users or to coerce other users is not allowed.
› Claiming a friendship with a mod team member to threaten, harass, or intimidate others is not allowed.
› Pretending to be a member of an AA official team, such as the Welcoming Team, Flagging Team, Event Team, Catalog Team, Group Coordinator Team, or the staff account is not allowed. Doing so will result in a mod action.
› Stealing messages made by an official AA team are not allowed, such as the welcoming team. Doing so will result in a mod action.
› Threatening to hack a user’s IP is not allowed and will result in a mod action.
› Sharing a user's personal information will result in a mod action. For example, full name, address, phone number, credit card, face reveals etc.Do not tell people to kill themselves or cause self-harm, not even as a joke. Telling someone ‘kys’ or go die will also result in a mod action.Do not make jokes about sexual assault. Making insensitive comments on it is also not allowed. This will result in a mod action.Do not make jokes about being a pedophile. This includes jokes about touching kids, molesting, or wanting to groom them. This will result in a mod action.Posting with the sole intent of having another user flagged or banned.
› An intentional false report to a curator or a leader will result in a mod action.
› “Flag this user” comments, posts, or messages will result in a mod action.Posting a blog about another user without their permission.
› Get the user’s consent first and make it very clear what will be in the blog. This also includes reposts and comics about users.
› Does not include ‘thank you’ posts or birthday blogs.Expose Users PSAIf a user comes across content or another user that offends them, the mod team suggests navigating away from that content’s source or using the block feature. If the offensive content also violates the guidelines, flag under off topic.
Posts, Blogs and Quizzes
General Guidelines for All Posts› All posts and comments must be appropriate (nothing explicit, relating to hard drugs, etc.)
› All posts and comments must be respectful (no slurs/derogatory terms, etc.). Posts that encourage mass hate will be disabled
› Spamming is not allowed (what we consider spam: 5+ in a row, 10+ daily)
› Posts/wikis advertising amino communities or public chats are allowed, but you can only post one. Any more than that will be considered spam and will be disabled.
› Only one post per community/chat is allowed. You can advertise different communities/chats in different posts.
› Posts made for the sole purpose of sharing account information on outside apps, such as Kik, Instagram, or Skype are not allowed. Users may put that information in their bio.
› Posts created for attention; for example, “Am I popular/pretty?” or “I’m leaving because no one likes me!”
› Titles of posts are allowed to be non-English, however, the content must be in English
› Triggering subjects are not allowedUpdated Guidelines on Anime/Community Related PostsWhat Is Allowed› Collections of anime art and photos, as long as it is not being spammed
› Cosplays and anime convention photos
› AA accepts Asian comics and animations, Vocaloid, and RWBY due to Team Amino’s marketing campaigns
› Asking for anime specific role-playing
› Merchandise advertisements and shop advertisements as long as they are anime related and you are only posting one
› Edit and art commissions as long as they are appropriate and you are only posting one (you can have one for each if you’d like)
› Video games that have an anime/webtoon adaption are allowed as long as you’re talking about the characters (you cannot talk about the gameplay)Updated Guidelines on Off-Topic PostsBlogsWhat Is Allowed› Good morning/good evening/good night blogs
They either need to be empty blogs with just a “good morning/night” title or talk about anime or community related topics in the blog itself. Good morning/night titled posts that have off topic content will be disabled.
› Looking for friends/someone PM me blogs
› Looking to roleplay blogs
• Either general or anime specific, no off topic rp such as harry potter rp requests
› Birthday posts
• For other friends and yourself
› Friend appreciation posts
› Introduction/get to know me posts
› Anime images/photo dumps of anime images
• They do not need titles/content, as long as it’s not spammed (5+ at once, 10+ in a day)
› Screenshot of friends messages
• They need to be appropriate and they need to be from friends, not stranger expose posts
• You must have permission from your friends, but you don’t need to provide evidence
• If a user who’s messages are posted contacts us for removal, we will disable the blog
› Anime/friend memes
• No off topic memes
› Rate my ____ (stickers, followers, profile)
› Community questions
• Such as about your experiences, your time on amino, friends
› Anime-style art/sketches
• Drawing OCs in anime style IS ok
• RP posts with anime-style images are not ok. RP OCs still need to be anime specific
› Anime related quotesWikis› Walls and bios are allowed BUT users can only have ONE of each (two in total)
› Blank wikis with anime images are allowed
› Aesthetic wikis are allowed as long as they have anime content inside, such as quotes/anime lists
› Roleplay rule wikis are allowed as long as they are appropriate.What Isn’t Allowed› General questions (ex. what’s your zodiac sign)
› No music recommendations
› No off topic poems, quotes, song lyrics
› The usual posts that break guidelines (inappropriate, harassment, etc)
› Writing Original characters or original stories that are not based/inspired by anime series or character is not allowed.Quizzes
Quiz Guidebook› Quizzes must be relevant to the community.
› Quizzes about users, be it for others or themselves, will not be permitted and thus disabled.
• This includes ‘do you know my favourite character from...’ quizzes.› Quizzes purposely choosing the wrong answers will be disabled.
• If a user posts a mostly relevant quiz containing irrelevant questions or questions such as ‘How many times did you take this quiz?’, the mod team will disable it until the questions are edited.
• Please make sure quizzes have objective answers and are not opinion-based. For example, ‘which one of these characters is the best?’› Quizzes must be in English.
Explicit Content
Pictures, gifs, videos, and links to sites that are sexually explicit or NSFW gore images will lead to a permanent ban. Asking users to google specific terms instead of linking outright will be treated similarly.
Sexually explicit language is not allowed, even in song lyrics.
Ahegao and overly sexualized facial expressions are not allowed.
Dirty/inappropriate jokes and memes are not allowed.
Hentai is not allowed, and the mod team will ban users for such content. Users who posted cropped/blurred hentai or cropped sex scene/sexual acts will receive a mod action.
Reveal female nipple outline or male/female genital outline is not allowed.
Character wearing outfit that barely covers her/his private part (when clothes reveal even more than bikini) is not allowed.
Character with an exaggerated body part or sweat steam for sexual fetish purposes is not allowed.
Character covered in bodily fluids is not allowed.
Loli/shota character posing in an inappropriate way is not allowed.
Images with inappropriate body language/acts or implications are not allowed.
Inappropriate texts in profile images or backgrounds are not allowed.
Sex RP, 18+ RP, and Dirty or Erotic RP (DRP/ERP) are not allowed. This is not allowed in private messages(PMs) or private Group Chats(GCs). RP is fine as long as it is appropriate. Otherwise, it may lead to a mod action.
Any inappropriate DMs are not allowed.
To properly comply with the App Stores, the mod team is unable to allow nudity of any kind on the app, even if partially censored or artistic in nature.
If another user violates these guidelines, the mod team encourages users to inform a moderator directly and flag the content under off topic. Users make up the AA community, and AA needs users’ help to keep it alive and well.
Contacting users, messaging them, or commenting on their wall or content and asking for Amino Coins counts as spam, which will result in a strike.
⠀› Any blog or wiki made just to ask for coins will get disabled.
⠀› Coin gambling posts and public chats are also prohibited.
⠀› Lottery-related blogs, if the users have to pay to participate, are prohibited.Do not make coin banks, wallets, jars, or anything of the sort.
⠀› Do not ask people directly for coins.
⠀› Do not make posts asking for coins.
⠀› Do not ask for coin “donations.”
⠀› Do not ask for real money.Accepting coins as commission payments for services such as edits, art, and proofreading is acceptable. Commission payments with real money are allowed as long as the transaction happens outside of the amino app.Selling or buying amino accounts for coins/real money is not allowed.
Theft, Plagiarism and Merchandise
AA encourages users to produce and post their own content, regardless of their photography or writing skills.
› Users can’t take another user’s work without the owner’s consent and, if reported, will be asked to remove it. Failure to do so, when asked, will result in a warning and then a strike if continued.
› Similar styles do not count.Taking someone else’s edit, be it for a profile picture or blog cover is not allowed.Taking someone else’s bio without permission is not allowed.If a user copies a blog or parts of it from another source, please source the material.
› Place the link to the source inside the blog.
› Failure to source, when asked, will result in a warning and then a strike if continued.
› Users claiming content as their own when it’s not will lead to the mod team removing the content without prior notice, and the user will receive a strike.
› Copying from another Amino user in this Amino or otherwise will also result in content removal and a strike.
› Using any AI tool such as ChatGPT is not allowed. This is because all posts must be written in your own words.AI Writing for Feature Feed PSAStealing art, edits, posts, etc. is not okay. AA does not accept plagiarism and theft.Users should flag posts under off topic in any case of art theft, but only if there is proof and the user is directly or indirectly claiming it as theirs. If the art owner has requested its removal, please point the mod team to said request in the report message.Posts that promote piracy/use of apps that steal or redistribute copyrighted content.
› Not only are they not allowed on AA, but it also violates sections 22.3 and 22.4 of the Appstore terms.
› Therefore, in addition to the previous clause, posts containing manga chapters in their entirety, or even most of the pages, will be treated as illegal and disabled.AA firmly believes in supporting creators through the purchasing of official merchandise.
› Official collectibles are the ones that possess collector value.
› The mod team will only feature official products and not bootlegs in an anime-supporting community such as this.
› Some exceptions may apply, such as having blogs warning about bootlegs or comparison blogs to the official product, as AA would like to keep its members aware of such matters.Do not do reviews based on prototype images of figures or items.
› It is impossible to review something users haven’t owned and examined in person.
› This is to preserve and keep the content in AA original.
› Reviews are a fantastic way for other collectors or users who would like to start collecting to see the quality of an item, and AA would like to keep the legitimacy of such reviews intact.
Public Chats
Chats GuidebookWhen making a chat, the mod team recommends saving a direct link to the chat, so if it gets disabled, it will make it much easier for the mod team to determine why it was disabled and possibly re-enable it.Off-topic titles are allowed.Covers are allowed to be aesthetic and do not need to be anime related.Public Chat conversations must be appropriate and stay within the Community Guidelines.For best results, have an appropriate English title, detailed description, and clear rules for every Public Chat.
› Chats simply saying “I am bored” or chats that have a lacking description are likely to be disabled.The owner of a Public Chat is responsible for the content of the chat and its conversation.
› Hosts and the Co-host(s) monitor the discussion and keep it within the Guidelines.Public chat titles and descriptions must be in English.
› Users must also speak and type in English in Public Chats.
› Users can speak any language in PMs or private Group Chats.All RP chats must be based on a specific anime or manga series, regardless of the Host choosing to allow OCs or not.
› If the anime/manga chosen has pornographic material, it goes against the Guidelines, and the chat will be disabled.
› Non-anime-specific RPs will be disabled.Role-plays that use terms to specify sexual orientation in their description (e.g., straight RP, gay RP, yaoi/yuri RP) are not allowed.
› These types of RPs historically lead to sexual themes that are not appropriate for this community.Discussion of torture, mating, ‘force-mating,’ slave/master, abuse, or other such topics is not allowed.Raiding chats, suggesting to raid and taking part of it will result in a mod action.Public chats also must not single out users.
› ‘Only Chats’ are not allowed, such as Japanese People Only, Girls Only, and No Boys.
› Chat rules can not disallow users from joining or allow discrimination on things such as level, race, sex, orientation, or gender.
› The mod team allows age-restricted chats as long as they are appropriate and follow the rest of the guidelines. Please note that 18+ titles are not allowed due to the connotation they hold.
Hosts cannot force anyone to tell them their age, however, hosts are free to remove people if they believe they are under the chats age limitHosts are allowed to remove other users from their chats for an assortment of reasons.
› Some examples would be the user sending inappropriate messages, being mean to others, or not following the host’s chat rules or AA’s Community Guidelines.
› Chat Hosts and Co-hosts can not remove users to troll them, such as repeatedly inviting a user in and kicking them as soon as they join or toying with users.
› Chat Hosts and Co-hosts can not remove users discriminantly, such as for race, sex, gender, or orientation. If the chat rules ask for certain topics to not be spoken about, they are free to remove people who do not follow said rules.Users may not make invite-only or otherwise exclusive chats in the public chat section.
› Users may use private group chats to restrict who joins their conversation.Posting inappropriate, sexual, or graphic content in public chats or private group chats, or encouraging the posting of such content, may lead to immediate account termination.
› This also includes having images attached to custom chat bubbles that are violent or sexually explicit.All chat messages must be appropriate and follow our guidelines as well.
› This applies to public chats and private group chats.Public chats aren’t for personal agendas.
› This includes chats created to share accounts such as Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook.
› Do not post Discord server links in chat descriptions, announcements, and in the chat itself.
› Recruitment for groups is not allowed. Otherwise, the recruitment should be a blog if the group is valid and within guidelines.Please do not use public chats for advertising other Aminos or blogs.
› If users are seen link-dropping in chats or comments, this is considered spam and can result in a mod action. This also ties in with advertising off-app accounts.
Important Safety Precautions
Please check a detailed explanation addressing internet safety and online predation here.Protect personal info.
⠀› Users need to keep their full name, address, phone numbers, online account info, and credit card information secret to avoid scams, bullying, or other dangers.
⠀› Do not click suspicious links. Flag them under off topic for the mod team to investigate.Never meet up with people from the Internet.Do not engage in sexual activities, make sexual proposals or respond to them. Report any sexual activities or proposals immediately and block the user.
⠀› The leaders may ban users that make it unsafe for others to be in AA by sharing other users’ faces, threatening to find other users, sharing user locations, or sharing users’ other social media accounts.
Mod Actions
New users who have never been a mod before are usually unfamiliar with these terms, so here is a quick explanation.› Curators can hide profiles and blogs, but they can not give out warnings, strikes, or bans.
› Leaders are capable of doing everything mentioned above.Hidden:› If a user is hidden, there might be a guideline violation with the username, bio, profile picture, gallery, or background.
› The mod team is not obligated to message users when a profile, post, or chat is hidden. With over 3 million accounts on this app, it’s difficult to message every user. We advise members to contact a curator to be unhidden.
› Users may and are encouraged to contact a curator if they have any questions, but to do so in a respectful manner. The mod team is not obligated to respond to users who are aggressive, vulgar, or rude.Warning:› A Warning is a message from a leader informing a user they are violating a guideline. Please make sure to read the mod message as it explains the reason for the mod action.
› If a user repeats the violation despite the warning, they will receive a strike.Strike:› Strikes are given if a user refuses to listen to the warning they were given. However, there are many cases where users will automatically get a strike without a warning, such as telling users to kill themselves, or sending high-intensity gifs that could cause an epileptic event.
› Strikes prevent users from typing in chats, commenting, or posting content.
› Each strike lasts 24 hours.
› Users' profiles will be hidden for 24 hours when receiving a strike, regardless of what they received it for.Ban:› Three leader strikes will lead to a ban.
› A leader will ban users after three strikes, but AA strikes do not compound with TA strikes.
› Leaders can ban users for things such as being underage (under 13), creating a troll account, or persistent advertising.
›Leaders can ban for various reasons that they see fit for the safety of users and the community. Such reasons vary from potential bot accounts, trolling, threatening to kill other members and so on.
Can users appeal their ban?
› Of course, but the leaders do not ban users or give a mod action without a reason, so the account will not return in most cases.
› If TA bans a user, they can appeal to TA directly via their Support Form.
Last Updated: June 11th, 2024
Last Updated by: Cynical, Syrah, Hokage Chan
Team Amino Guidelines
Amino empowers anyone to connect with others around what they love. With that mission comes a responsibility to keep every Amino member safe and happy. So we went ahead and created a set of universal community guidelines that apply to every single Amino. Individual Amino community leaders can create their own additional rules, as long as they don’t conflict with ours. Make sure you check those out, too.Copyright & Intellectual PropertyIn general, if you post something, you should either own it or have gotten permission to post it. Don’t claim authorship over content that you didn’t create. Why not draw something yourself instead, or take a picture of a plant?Harassment & HateBe kind. Communities are about people coming together because they share something in common. We take this very seriously, and explicitly ban:・Hate speech. Amino is a place to build communities, not to break them down. Content that attacks or vilifies people based on things like race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including gender presentation and sexual orientation), or disability is not allowed. Some examples include:
・Using slurs or epithets, attacking profanity, or expressing hatred toward a group of people
・Holocaust denial, glorifying the suffering of a group of people, expressing supremacism, or alt-right, etc.
・Harassment and bullying. Making others feel unsafe is not allowed. Some examples include:
⠀⠀・Doxxing (sharing personal information), or publishing content with the intent to embarrass or harm another person
⠀⠀・Telling someone to hurt themselves or to commit suicide
⠀⠀・Creating fake accounts to impersonate another person and harass them or disrupt their use of Amino, etc
・Threats, violent, or dangerous behavior. Safety is paramount on Amino. The following types of threats are prohibited and may also result in Amino reporting you to law enforcement or emergency officials:
⠀⠀・Terrorism or mass violence
⠀⠀・Physical harm or murder
⠀⠀・Hacking or threatening to SWAT Amino or others
⠀⠀・Self-harm or suicide
⠀⠀・Blackmail, etc.Making inappropriate or unwanted requests for personal information or photos. Context matters here but, generally speaking, asking for other’s contact information or for them to send you photos is prohibited.If you feel harassed on Amino, we encourage you to block that user. Then take a breath and flag them for review. Lastly, take some time to compliment yourself, because you’re great.Spam and Self-PromotionWe want everyone in a Community to enjoy the content and discussions they want. Some activities ruin that experience. Some examples:・Super annoying, off-topic messages
・Promoting yourself, your Amino, or anything else about you in a repetitive or impersonal manner
・Automated posting, messages, comments...or automated anything
・Making the same post, message, or comment over and over and over and over and over again (really, once is enough)
If you feel the compulsion to do any of these things, maybe take that energy and put it into something productive, like messaging your elected representatives.Sexual Content & NSFWJust like your favorite ocean, let’s keep it clean. We aren’t going to list off every type of weird thing we don’t allow, but a good rule of thumb is: if you think it’s too sexual, it probably is, and it shouldn’t be posted here.・Nudity is not allowed. We use the 50/50 rule.
⠀⠀・If over 50% of sexual body parts are exposed, the content is not allowed.
・Explicit sexual content is not allowed.
・Implicit sexual content is not allowed. Some examples of this include:
⠀⠀・Simulating sexual acts
⠀⠀・Overly sexual facial expressions
⠀⠀・Cuddling nude, etc.
・Art depicting nudity, or over 50% of sexual body parts, is allowed as long as:
⠀⠀・The medium is a painting, drawing, sculpture, or similar (ex: not a photograph or video of real people)
⠀⠀・It’s not intended to arouse
・Content that encourages or celebrates sexual violence, exploitation, prostitution, or sex trade is prohibited.
・Text-based sexual content is prohibited in any public areas—like public chats, posts, or wikis—of Communities that are Open or Approval-Required. Some communities have extra rules on this subject, so be sure to check with your community’s leaders if you are unsure of what’s allowed.
・Certain Private communities are allowed to discuss sexual themes and related topics. These communities still can’t have any inappropriate sexual imagery. And, obviously, the rest of these guidelines apply to them, too.・Protecting Teenagers:
⠀⠀・People under the age of 18 on Amino have to follow more strict policies when it comes to sexual content.
⠀⠀・We remove all sexually suggestive content depicting people under 18, even if it was unintentionally suggestive, so as to protect teens from having their content used in an inappropriate or unsafe manner by others. Examples of the type of content that teens cannot post include:
⠀⠀⠀・Dancing in a sexual manner
⠀⠀⠀・Making sexual facial expressions or gestures
⠀⠀⠀・Appearing in underwear, wearing swimsuits indoors, or dressing in overly-revealing clothing
⠀⠀⠀・Posting sexual text or dialogue along with imagery of teenagers
⠀⠀・Any behavior or content that sexualizes minors is strictly prohibited and may result in Amino reporting you to law enforcement agencies.Self-HarmAnything that promotes, glorifies, or encourages self-harm or eating disorders isn’t allowed on Amino. If it could intentionally physically, emotionally, or mentally harm an Amino community member, it has no place here.If you see someone on Amino discussing harming themselves or others, let us know. And if you are going through something yourself, know you are not alone and that there are resources out there to help you through it.Other Kinds of Graphic/Gross ContentPretty straightforward: don’t post real gore or graphic violence to shock other members. Don’t post anything that depicts the mutilation, torture, or harm of human beings, animals, or any thinking, feeling being. And don’t post anything that glorifies any of the above. What, are you trying to ruin someone’s day?Mildly objectionable content and art are allowed as long as they aren’t repulsive and intending to shock viewers. To determine whether content crosses the line, we review the general context of the imagery and take things into consideration such as:
・If it depicts actual torture, pain, dismemberment, or violence involving real people or animals
・If it invokes a feeling of shock, sickness, or pain in the viewer
・If it depicts bodily fluids
・If the content is abnormally grotesque or exaggerated
・If it is historical or famous, etc.Our policies aim to remove content that depicts actual torture, pain, dismemberment, or violence involving real people or animals. Art, special effects, TV shows and media, or other fictional portrayals are generally not in violation of these guidelines. If we think it might be real, we’re going to remove it.Unsafe or IllegalContent depicting actual illegal, unsafe, or criminal activity is not allowed on Amino. Some examples of this include:
・Anything that could harm minors
・Dangerous activity involving regulated goods or services (ex: alcohol, drugs, weapons etc)
・Violent crimes or terrorism
・Self-harm or harm to others, etc.
Please note that roleplay, TV shows and media, or other fictional portrayals of the above are not generally considered a violation of these guidelines.It is prohibited to offer raffles, sweepstakes, games of chance or merit, or the opportunity to gamble, if you require users to pay in order to potentially win a prize. You are welcome to offer prizes as long as people don’t have to pay to enter to win.
・For example, ‘give props for a chance to win’ is not allowed, but stating ‘add a comment for the chance to win’ is.
・Using coins to purchase goods is allowed on Amino; please see our Coin Policies for additional information.
・The sale of coins is prohibited.